Policy page

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General Conditions of Use of the Createlli Lab web-app of Createlli

1. General

These conditions are mandatory to be accepted by all users of the "Createlli Lab" web-app of Createlli. This is valid for all further listed conditions.

These conditions are the same for all users, and no exceptions are granted to the conditions of use. This is to preserve the transparency to everyone collaborating through Createlli Lab.

Createlli reserves the right to modify the general conditions of use at any point, without a previous notification, both in the contents of the website and in the General Conditions of Use.

Such modifications may be made through the website in any admissible way, and will be mandatory during the time they are published on the web, until they are modified by the subsequent ones. Users will be notified when the conditions are changed.

2. Rights and limitations to use

The Createlli Lab web application has 3 types of users:

PROJECT MANAGERS: these are users who are involved in managing a participation project; for example staff of a city or project managers of a participation project. They are further referred to as 'PROJECT MANAGERS'

USERS: users who participate in a project. They are typically invited to give their opinions, ideas, etc. They are further referred to as 'USERS'.

We distinct:

Anonymous users – In some cases, users are allowed to participate 'anonymously', meaning they do not leave their email address or no information that allows Createlli or project managers to identify the users..

Identified users – In most cases users are invited to provide their email address.. Users who do this are called ‘identified users’. We link a users ID ad password to their email address. Identification allows users to participate more actively in projects. It gives other users and project managers also more trust and transparency, because they can identify who participates.

CREATELLI: users who are system administrators of the Createlli team. They are further referred as 'Createlli'.

Users are responsible for all action with their user account. They are responsible to keep their user ID and password confidential and agree to inform Createlli as soon as possible if they suspect unauthorized use of thier user account or notice their user account was accessed in an unauthorized way.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality of your user information

We try to balance your right for protection of your privacy, with your right to know who else participates in projects and with the need of the project managers to understand the needs and opinions of all users, to answer to specific issues or questions you raise and to invite you for participation activities that are interesting for the project or for you.

In order to use some of the services offered on this website, users must provide Createlli certain personal data, like email and in some cases name, address, gender, age and other information that is important for the projects.

Therefore Createlli undertakes to respect the confidentiality of such data as required in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, effective since 25 May 2018).

What happens with your information? Information about you, your contributions and your opinions are only to be used in the context of the project for which it was shared, or for related projects or to invite users to similar projects, to improve the operation of Createlli Lab, or to improve the functionality of Createlli Lab or in anonymized way in reports to improve participation in general.

No user information or any other information shall be used by Createlli or any user out of this context or for commercial or marketing purposes to sell other products or services.

For details about who has access and why we collect certain personal data, please refer to the table below.

How long do we keep your data? We keep the information and results of participation projects for a long time, because the results of a consultation or a map with issues and proposals can often be very interesting even years later, when a new related project  is conducted in the same area (for example a mobility project). Instead of asking then again the same questions, we prefer to build further on what you have shared with us previously. This means that in reality we keep information typically until the citizen who shared it or the government or client for whom the information was collected, explicitly asked us to delete the information.

To whom do we pass on your data? To no one, except the responsible organization for the project for whom the data is collected. The project responsible organization is clearly indicated for each project. Of course, these organisations are also bound by the GDPR legislation and can only use your data in the context of the project and related projects.

How can you see your information, correct it or have it removed? You can certainly exercise your right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose to the processing of your personal data.

For your convenience, you can do this by writing an email to support@createlli.com.

As long as you don’t tell us otherwise, we understand that your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us any variation of it, and that we have your consent to use your data for the purposes mentioned below:


Purpose for which we use the data




Identification for participation in forums and campaigns: your name can be mentioned with your comment or contribution

Other Users

Project Manager




Communication: to invite you for participating in the project, to answer your questions, to contact you when needed

Identification:  to be able to identify who participates

Project Manager



Language preference

Time zone

Identification: so you can authenticate on the website

Adapt the display: so you can participate in the language you prefer


IP address

Time of your contribution

Security reasons

Identify whether fake contributions are made

Locate your contribution in case of questions or problems

Project Manager



Internal management of the answers

Communication to specific groups or stakeholders: for example to inform or consult specific groups of participants

Invitation to activities

Project Manager


Your contributions and opinions within groups, such as your votes, comments and pictures.

Support an idea/proposal, and shape solutions that suit better to the citizens and stakeholders

Other Users

Project Managers



4. Limitations of use and Intellectual property

Use of Createlli Lab is strictly subject to accepting the general terms and conditions. Createlli reserves right to terminate your account and also for future use if you violate the conditions of use, or provide inaccurate or false information. Createlli grants a license to use city.createlli.com, not to redistribute or decompile or develop it.

Createlli Lab is a web-application. Users are responsible for the access to internet and to provide equipments for access to internet. Createlli does not take any responsibility for availability of internet.

Createlli Lab is used to shape the city and the world of tomorrow. Users agree that all opinions, contributions, ideas shared here can be used by the project managers, without any restriction of intellectual property or rights of inventor.

5. Communications from Createlli

You will possibly be contacted per email or other media about activities in your projects or other activities that may be helpful for you. You can opt out from most of the emails, but not from emails about service announcements or certain administrative messages.

6. Liability

Createlli does not take any liability for incidental or consequential damage arising out of the use of Citizen or the related information or documentation, or any other damage which has not been caused directly and immediately by a fault of CREATELLI, such as but not limited to loss of income, claims of third parties, loss of data, damages or defects due to materials or information from Createlli or a third party.

Createlli reserves the right to take down any content related to illegal, offensive or similar activities, or to take away access of users who use the Createlli Lab for such activities or share such content.

Createlli does not take any liability for the publication of illegal content on Createlli Lab. Users agree to notify Createlli immediately of the presence of illegal content, upon which Createlli will take down the content as soon as possible.

7. Subscriptions, Duration and Payments

Users other than Project Managers use Citizen for free.

Project Managers have a paid subscription, and can choose between different subscriptions. For more info refer to createlli.com or contact us.

  • Automatic renewal: subscriptions will be automatically renewed.

  • Cancellation: users are requested to notify Createlli of the cancellation latest 7 days before renewal.

8. Cookie Policy

Like many websites, Createlli Lab uses cookies - which are small text files that are placed on your computer - in order to make Createlli Lab to work better for the users and project managers. We do not use cookies for any commercial purposes like influencing what you see when visiting other websites than Citizen.

Please ensure that your computer/mobile device setting indicates whether you accept Cookies or not. You can set your browser to warn you before accepting Cookies, or you can simply set it to refuse them, although you may not have optimal user experience of Createlli Lab if you do so. See your browser 'help' button for how you can do this.

We use the following types of cookies:

Name of the cookie



Used to tailor the language for city.createlli.com. Disabling this may cause more of an annoyance to users as they would be prompted to re-enter their language preference.




This cookie is used to know whether you have accepted our cookie policy, so we don't need to ask you all the time





These cookies are from google analytics. We use google analytics to understand how people navigate on city.createlli.com. This helps us to make it better and easier to use for you.


Used in Drupal interfaces for drag-and-drop reordering of items.

SESScf29cdb24beb89731dd522a8a08ab5dc (name is example only)

PHP Session ID. This Cookie is used to create a session ID for the user, so that the system itself can identify the user as a unique and individual user, distinct from anyone else looking at the website. This information is not used or stored outside createlli, and is held only temporarily while the user is accessing city.createlli.com pages and other pages which require unique and secure access. Without this Cookie, such access could not remain secure, so it is very important.
